Child Safety

Keeping Our Children Safe
As a Catholic school in the Mercy tradition, we have a mission-driven, moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and secure environment for children and young people and to protect them from all forms of abuse and neglect. We are steadfast in our resolve to honour this responsibility and promote the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children and young people.
The College has formalised a Child Safety and Well-being Policy to respond to the new Ministerial Order and the updated 11 Child Safe Standards. The College Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy is found below:
Child and Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme
Prescribed Information Sharing Entities should contact:
Information relating to Catholic Education’s commitment to the new Ministerial Standards is also available on the CECV Child Safety Website. Should any member of our College community, including visitors to our campus, have any queries in regard to the College policy or procedures, please make contact with the College on (03) 9319 9299