International Student Program

Mercy College is registered (CRICOS Code 02227J as Mercy Diocesan College) to enrol overseas full fee paying students and welcomes applications.

At Mercy College, International students are fully integrated into the life of the College.  This assists them to make rapid progress in learning English and in developing supportive relationships with other students.  They are enrolled into mainstream classes with other student in their year level.

Mercy College has in place various procedures to assist international students from the time they arrive in Australia and all aspects of the program are closely monitored. These include regular reporting to parents, and meetings with students and their families to ensure that students academic and welfare needs are being met.

How to Enrol

Applicants need to download and complete the Dependant and Temporary Full-Fee Paying Overseas Students (FFPOS) Application Form. This should then be submitted with all required supporting documentation via email to This will enable the school to seek approval for enrolment from MACS.

The following English translated supporting documentation must also be submitted:

  • Birth Certificate or Passport page
  • School reports including a grading key for the most recent two years
  • A copy of the student and parent/guardian/carer's Visa
  • Proof of medical conditions and additional learning needs

Once the application has been approved by MACS, the College will be in touch regarding the next steps in the enrolment process. For more information, please contact the Enrolments Team on 9319 9264 or email

Mercy College acknowledges the following have been designed to ensure students receive the tuition and education quality assurance they have paid for:

The College is also aware these documents specify the registration requirements and obligations of higher education providers in Australia. All Mercy College staff support a commitment towards achieving full compliance with the ESOS legislative requirements. The ESOS Act places responsibility on the College not only for its own actions but also for those of third parties including agents and associates and their employees and contracted parties.

Further information about studying in Australia can be found here.